Thursday, September 29, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog

D. Sharon Pruitt 
as i was hurling my stones of knowledge at my students today and as they were clearly not catching them, i thought should i be throwing these stones? maybe the kids were made of glass and i just shattered one of them, or maybe they were made of pillows and my stone just got stuck in the fluff. what can i do to get these students to catch my stones? and then it happened, my mind shifted, maybe i should not throw them at the students but make the stones look so pretty that the students want to come pick them up and keep them forever.
i need to turn my stones into diamonds, tiny treasures the students would hunt for and never give up until they found them. so begins my journey to turn my stones to diamonds.

For more pictures by D Sharon Pruitt


  1. Love this! Out West, as people herded cattle and sheep or traveled to find new lands, they would build pyramids of stones like this. They were called kerns. They would hide little bits of food in cans or messages in them for other travelers or herders to find. They would leave messages about grazing conditions, water quality, etc. I guess you could say it was a mailbox for the next person.... :)

  2. I love what you wrote. I have a friend that creates many sculptures on the beach from the stones. They hold amazing energy. I look forward to getting to know you more through our shared studies with Full Sail. Be sure to check out my blog:

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