Saturday, October 22, 2011

RILS Publication

update!!! i was all set to use blabberize in my class with my students but after 2 days of difficulty with our computers and the website i switched my project to using imovie instead. my students made their own episodes of mythbusters, and thought it was so much fun. here is my new and improved rils project.

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario

Brief Overview: This lesson will address the how the scientific method can be applied to real life.  Students will research a commonly held myth and create their own episode of “mythbusters” using the scientific method.

Target Audience: The lesson is for science students grades 8-12, but could be adapted for younger students.

Students will need access to video cameras and any supplies they need for their experiment (materials will vary depending on myth they are investigating). Students will need access to computers with internet access for research and to access edmodo and access to an account that will host their video like youtube/viddler. The students will also need access to imovie/another video editing tool.
At the end of this assignment students will be able to:
·      Research a myth and evaluate any sources they discover.
·      Design an experiment following the scientific method to test the myth.                                           
·      Write a script for their episode they are filming.
·      Draw out a storyboard for their episode.
·      Create a movie with iMovie.
·      Create an account on Viddler and Edmodo.
·      Upload a movie to Viddler.
·      Upload a link to Edmodo.
·      Evaluate the process they used as well as critique the work of others.
Students will:
1. Watch an episode of Discovery Channel’s “Mythbusters” and evaluate it based on their use of the   scientific method.

2. Research a myth of their own using sites such as

3. Design an experiment to test their myth using the scientific method.

4. Draw a storyboard and write out a script for their “myth” film.

5. Film their experiment and any other scenes/pictures they would like to use in their film.

6.  Use iMovie to put together their episode.

7. Upload their movie to their Viddler account.

8. Copy the link from their Viddler account and post it on their class edmodo page where others will comment/critique their work.

9. Record a video reflection and upload it to the teacher’s computer.

Web 2.0 Tool:Students will use iMovie to create their presentation. iMovie allows users to create professional looking videos with little experience with movie editing tools. Edmodo ( is a classroom website where students can access teacher generated information as well as collaborate with other students in a closed environment. Viddler ( is a video hosting tools, that allows users to upload videos and embed them on web pages.

Social Participation/Social Learning: Students will work in groups on activity and can collaborate online in their edmodo groups created by the teacher. Students will also evaluate and critique classmates' videos.

Making Connections:
 A) Students will use their previous knowledge of the scientific    method to evaluate episodes of mythbusters and to create their own experiment to test their myth.
B)  Students will connect how believing myths with no    investigations can impact their lives as well as society.
C) Students will post their project to the edmodo site where other classes can see and comment on their work.

Create/Produce –The student will create a video episode to evaluate a commonly held myth in our society.

Assessment Rubric 

a. Students will reflect on their work after other students have commented on it and record a video that will be tuned into the teacher.
b. Instructor will reflect after receiving student reflections to see what worked and what did not.

my short movie on myth busting, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the show The MythBusters. Great way of getting your students to get up and be involved in the classroom and then allowing them to write what they researched. Wonderful scenario. I hope your students enjoyed the experience and learned to enjoy it.
