Saturday, May 5, 2012

week 1 to publish or present

although i have a strong fear of public speaking, i am leaning towards presentation of my work. i really want to spread the idea of gaming in the classroom to my fellow teachers and because i am passionate about my topic i think it will be easier to speak about it. or thats what i keep telling myself.

my first choice of conferences to present at would be the florida educational technology conference, although i know this is a huge conference it is one that is very close to home and addresses my peers in florida. i would love to be part of the change in the educational system in florida and i see this conference as a way to do that.

fetc is accepting applications through may 31st so i need to come up with something amazing. fast.


  1. Mary,
    I can not believe we are now in month 11. It seems team Quizknows has been through so much.I think you would be a great presenter at the FETC conference. You are very knowledgeable about you protect and Edmodo in general. If you need help with music for your presentation do not hesitate to ask.I hope you make the registration deadline. I look forward to your presentation.

  2. thanks so much for accepting the challenge to step outside your comfort zone. Good luck.
