Friday, May 18, 2012

week 3 reading: moving on to rule number 6

this book was well worth the wait, the book is like opening a door where you are suddenly blinded by bright light, at first it is so bright you cant see anything you just close your eyes and take in the new feeling, as you stand there longer you start to acclimate to this new environment and try to figure out how you can share this amazing feeling with others.

this is where i am with this book, i was amazed by the first few chapters. now my head is spinning on how and where to use these new found ideas. i have already told my mom, my sister and two teachers about this book. i have restructured my final so that the students will be able to express themselves in a way that is more comfortable for them instead of how i wanted it.

i had assigned a project as their final exam because most of my students do not do well on traditional tests and i thought a project would be a better way for them to express their creativity. i had one student who seemed really bummed about the project and really was not doing anything. when i asked him what was wrong he said he would rather just take a test, i immediately said no and got kind of mad that he had even asked, i mean i spent a lot of time designing a project that i thought the students would enjoy and excel at, so i told him to try the project and left it at that. lucky for him i read over the art of possibility and reflected on my decision and thought maybe i should not take my decision so seriously, maybe i should ask him what he thought of the whole thing. we had a discussion and we decided that i would make him a test and that would stand in for his final project. after the conversation i noticed he was smiling, he said mrs. wilson i probably look really happy on the outside right now, but on the inside i am ten times happier, i am jumping around and screaming, you have made me so happy. thank you for listening to me.

Drawn by: Alinn

these are the moments i live for as a teacher. it is one i will hold on to and cherish, not just for the happiness of the students but for the lesson i learned.


  1. Mary,
    What an amazing story!! My mind is still trying to wrap around how I can use these new found truths in my classroom. However, I have noticed that I have a new appreciation for my students. It is the end of the year and they are going crazy...and driving me crazy too. In stead of going crazy, I took a step back and applied both Rule Number 6 and The Way Things Are. So instead of freaking out at them for being unruly, I embraced the way things are and found a new way to move forward. The students were great all day and I left feeling happy for the first time in weeks. I have learned many lessons through EMDT and this book is confirming all of those things and more.

  2. Great example of learning for experiences and looking outside of our usual routine or expectations. Wonderful.
