Sunday, May 27, 2012

week 4: comment 2 island girl at heart

Original post here

WK4 Leadership Blog Post: Leadership Role Model Reflection

When I think about great leaders I think about people who were able to do what was right even though they knew they would face ridicule and even persecution or death because of it. I think of people who were born into impoverished violent drug infested communities and were able to find a way out and returned to help others out as well. I think of men like the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. I also think of people like Dr. Ben Carson and Oprah Winfrey. I think a great leader is someone who can see beyond their current situation into a world of what can be and change their future and the future of those around them for the better. 
I also think that people matter and that we have to care about others. So to me, a great leader leads by example, considers all involved, and has the courage to do what is right even if it means moving in a direction that’s against the current flow. 

Great role models. I, like you and Katie, have some of the same thoughts about role models. I believe they must be able to do what is right and good for everyone not for themselves, they must lead by example and must be able to see something better for themselves and others. Great post.

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