Sunday, May 27, 2012

week 4: leadership role model reflection

i am not sure why, but i have always had a hard time reflecting upon role models. it is not that i think i am better than anyone else but i dont look at people that way (as some one to aspire to be like) i really want to be like me and aspire to be the best me that i can. so when asked to write about role models i have a hard time.

i do aspire to have certain qualities that others around me exemplify, or have taught me, so in that sense they are my guiding models. my dad would be one of those models, he taught me to do the right thing, always, not because it is easy or fun or you would be recognized for it, but because it is right. my mother for her never ending love for her biological children as well as all of her students (her other children).

buddha, and other great leaders who give of themselves to help others realize their full potential and the potential for the world around us.

as far as educational leaders this one is really hard, i want to be the change, i feel that we have a broken system of learning and something needs to be done. this stems from my own experience from within the system and now as a teacher in the system. i am not sure if being a leader is what i would want to be, i see myself as more of a contributor, an enlightener (?), some one who shows others that the way we are doing things is not the only way, one who helps open others eyes, if this makes me a leader so be it, but it is not a role i choose.

1 comment:

  1. Great choices for leaderships. Our parents are usually our first adult that we observe and sometimes we choose to not follow in their footsteps because we know them beyond the public persona, but that you reflect on your dad and mom speaks well of their integrity. As for wanting to be a change agent, whether that's leading from behind, by example or by chain-reaction, it's leading and as long as your flame stays light you will no doubt be a light to the change we know the system needs.
