Sunday, May 20, 2012

week 3 comment 2-design [creative truth]

Original Post here 

"The Art of Possibility" book is so fascinating and speaks some great truths. It enlightens your mind and brings about possibilities. In the seventh chapter The Way Things Are, it speaks about taking a situation and spinning it in a way that is not like how many have mentioned before. It speaks on how some things can not be changed or controlled but one can take their situation and find a solution that is suitable. This chapter allowed me to look at some of my situations and state the issue and then I actually finally found a solution. It was as the foggy storm just cleared up and vanish. Vanish like it never existed. Wow. I enjoy "aha" moments. Sometimes things are placed in front of you to provide you with the light you were needing for your darkness.  "Accept the wrong, come to terms with it and then ask what next." Love it.

photo by: Greg Williams
As if that was all that brought a bit of clarity. This next section speaks about clearing your "shoulds".  I can't tell you how many times that I have done what it stated there. I know that I have thought or said, this should be like this and this should be like that. You become stuck and I have caught myself doing just that. It takes time to change your thought process but what great advantages.

The two steps to giving way to passion. I know many have the problem of enjoying what they are truly desiring. Barriers placed by oneself, society, family, loved ones, friends, and the so called norm of society, cause many to withdraw from what brings the most joy to their lives. I most say that my passion for being a graphic designer was never diminished. I have never felt like a barrier was placed. So the steps provided in this book are a perfect way to spark up those flames that have been slightly lit for so long.

"Where is the electric socket for possibility, the access to the energy of transformation?....... lean our bodies to the music; dare to let go of the edges of ourselves.... participate" (Zander & Zander, ch8, pg121)
Man, did this hit it on the nose. "lean our bodies to the music; dare to let go of the edges of ourselves.... participate"  I had to say it again. Listen to that beat and dance like no one is watching. Let go and enjoy what's in front of you, enjoy the possibilities of life. Holding on to the shoulda, coulda, woulda brings nothing but an endless wall of barriers. Let go, Release! "lean our bodies to the music; dare to let go of the edges of ourselves.... participateParticipate.....

I love aha moments too, and am glad this book was able to reveal some more to you. I really love the quote "Accept the wrong, come to terms with it and then ask what next." I find myself trying to do this in my life, but it is a constant struggle between the woe is me self and the let's just do it self. Great post!

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