Friday, May 11, 2012

week 2 reading: why you should not procrastinate

i admit that i am a procrastinator, always have been and probably always will be. i think i do better under pressure (or thats what i tell myself so i can continue to procrastinate without feeling bad). but this time it has bitten me in the butt. i actually thought i had already downloaded the ebook for this class last month, but did not bother to look for it until today (the day the reading is due), today was going to be my homework day, i took the day off of school and was ready to work, except when i went to read the book, it wast there, not a problem i will go download it, it will only be a minute. i log on and click the download button and instead of a book i receive this

oh thats not a book! after trying again for several hours i called the customer support. the lady was very nice she said they were having problems with adobe editions and would send me a new link for the book. great! i thought. and then she said should be there within 1-2 business days. ahhhhh! that just does not fit in with my procrastination schedule. there was nothing else she could do, and nothing more for me to do except wait, and rethink all those great reasons for procrastinating...


  1. Hi Mary, I have also been know to be a procrastinator from time to time. Sometimes I get away with it, and sometimes I've been 'bitten in the butt" as you were.
    Well, I'll share with you a little about the book until you get your copy. I really like the book and It's an easy read. Ben and Roz (co-authors) did and excellent job of drawing you into the possibilities that you can create if you look past what you see to what is already there if you can see it differently.
    Each chapter of this book represents a new practice for bringing possibility to life and shows how to think outside the realm of what we know into a world of what is possible if we move past our limited thinking. Ben is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic orchestra and Roz is a family therapist. “Their purpose is to initiate a new approach to current conditions, based on uncommon assumptions about the nature of the world.” (Zander and Zander 2000).

  2. Ah... "procrastination schedule"? is that like "military intelligence" or "jumbo shrimp"? Sorry, I so feel for your frustration... as someone who has worked with technology for a few decades I can tell you that most systems have something called the "urgent" chip, such that, if the system or device detects an elevated level of urgency then it will automatically fail causing the need to 10 to 100 times more time or effort than would be otherwise required... knowing, of course, that there isn't 10 to 100 more times available. I can't tell you how many times I've been stung by this one. Hang in there. Worse case scenario, the real reading post will be late, you'll get docked minus 5 GPS points for being late but get full credit for the activity...
