Sunday, May 27, 2012

week 4: comment 1 bryan andretti music

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Week 4 blogg

So it took customer services to reconstructed the link for me twice to get the books the Art of possibilities. It was well worth the wait. I was so behind in my readings because of the error I didn't think I would ever catch up. However I had read so many great things about this book on my cohorts blogs that I could not wait to dive in. The read has been so engaging mainly because of the music references that are used by our author Ben. I watched his Ted presentation long ago and reading the words just reminded me how true his work is. I think a great question to ask ourselves as leaders is who are we that are followers are not shinning. What a powerful self evaluation tool.

Enrollment is the ability to produce a spark of possibility for other to share. We should ignite passion instead of fear as we lead. This leads me to think how one producer can get a better performance out of a singer in the studio by relating the song to the artist passion.
Declaring that I am the framework of my of my life reminds me of another powerful book that I read a few years ago The Secret. Basically saying that I control my universe.
I have enjoyed this book and I will use some of the lessons taught in my personal life.

I am glad you were finally able to read the book. This is a book that I rushed through for the class but will definitely reread during the summer break! I also really liked the TED talk with Ben, I have always believed that if the students are not shining then we are doing something wrong. I often find that other teachers/principals think that it is great when a teacher has a quiet class, but I often find that the kids are just scared to talk or are zoned out, they are dull no shine in their eyes! I always strive to have shiny eyes.

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