Tuesday, May 15, 2012

week 2 reading redo: worth the wait

wow. after reading the first few chapters of "the art of possibility" by zander and zander i know this a book i will reread several times. i have always thought of myself as a outside the box thinker, but as outside of one box as i thought i was, i now realize that i was just in a larger box. this book helped me realize that. and now that i realized it, i can begin to break down the bigger box and break free into the world possibility.

by: duncan c 
the book has made me rethink how i conduct my classes at school and look at what is possible if i just change the way i think. in my mind i have already started reworking a large project i am having the students do as their final exam for my class, some students had complained that they wanted to do it a different way and i had told them no, now i am rethinking why i said no and if i should change my mind on their objections to certain things. there are students in my class that have resigned to sitting in their chair all day and doing nothing, i have been trying to help them all year and earlier this week i decided i am done with them, i have too much to deal with to worry about a student that does not even want to try. after reading the book i am rethinking that, maybe they have something to share but i have not given them the opportunity to share the way they want to.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad, first that the silly book "arrived," and second that you feel that it was worth the wait. One of the special things about teaching is that we don't have to do the same thing over and over again. But we do have the option to change our classes to improve the process, that we can step beyond the box others would limit us to and exercise our creativity in how and what we do in class. As much as it's a lot of work, I loved that as I finished each unit each year I'd go through the mental process of what I could do better and make plans for that change. Some hate it, but I think that's one of the cool things about teaching, you are the expert in the classroom and you know best how to make it better.
