Sunday, May 20, 2012

week 3 wimba: total redo

i had started to do my presentation on the uses of edmodo in the classroom to increase engagement, motivate and connect with students but after receiving comments about my project from some close friends and fellow educators i have changed it up a little. i was worried other teachers would not understand or like the badge system so i wanted to do a little bit of everything for the audience. my reviewers thought otherwise so i will change my direction.

"I have seen presentations like this before at FETC, ....focus in on one thing. I looked at the conference details, you should do something about games. You are so passionate about the game stuff do that, I think people would like it." Kathleen Mattox (my mom and fellow educator and FETC attendee for the past 13 years).

my mom had a lot more to say but i will keep some of her more critical advise to myself. i do trust my mom, she has always been my biggest supporter.

"You are really good at the Edmodo stuff, include some videos and pictures to make it more interesting. And use your AR work, you worked on it all year, might as well use it." Bruchetta Jones (fellow teacher and Full Sail grad)

their comments have made me change my presentation to focus more on the badge system in edmodo and how i used it as a gaming mechanic in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Great comments and observations... it's good to have friends/family who can offer great criticism.
